According to the Employee Burnout Report by Indeed, 52% of the workers are affected by Burnout. Overall, professions have become stressful, and UX designers are no exception. There has been a drastic increase in stress globally, especially due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. That is why; it is important to check on yourself. This is a silent killer. You might be slipping in its realm without even knowing. As a UX designer, you need to take an active and preventive approach towards burnout. 

Here, we will first try to understand burnout and its early signs. Next, we will learn how you can cope with it through self-help as a UX designer. 

Understanding Burnout 

What is burnout? For this, let us hear it from the WHO (World Health Organization). 

According to WHO, burnout is a kind of syndrome that is conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that is not being actively managed. In any kind of burnout, chronic and unattended stress is a key player. In addition, you can refer it to as a form of exhaustion that affects your work and productivity. If not checked well in time, it can have some severe consequences for one’s health and career. 

Next, it is crucial to be aware of the early signs and symptoms of burnout. This will enable you to spot it and take measures.

The following are the key early signs of burnout. 

  • Reduction in productivity at work. 
  • Feelings of exhaustion (mentally and physically) and lack of energy.
  • Alienation towards work and a negative attitude towards your UX career. 

If you sense any bit of the above symptoms, take action. 

Let us now discuss how you can deal with or avoid burnout. 

Nib the Evil in the Bud: Dealing & Avoiding a Workout as a UX Designer 

Do not worry. The following measures are simple to follow. 

  • Take a walk: This is the most underrated thing to do in stress. In chaotic feelings, taking a light tread in a park can instantly help you. Walking can mitigate stressful feelings and calm you down.
  • Stop striving for perfection: This is much relevant to UX designers, and it is true. Most UX designers are self-proclaimed perfectionists. They think a lot and keep stressing out until they get the perfect fit. Honestly, the perfect fit does not exist. It is all in your head. The design that you are stressing about may go unnoticed by the users. 
  • Break the monotonous routine cycles: Being in a strict routine for the long term can negatively impact you. If you are sensing the signs of burnout, break the monotony. Such routines can also limit your creativity. Periodically, change your work cycles.
  • Benefit from teamwork: This will take something off your plate. Moreover, working in teams can increase productivity and enhance creativity. 
  • Seek help from a professional: Your life matters! Do not let stress take that from you. If you feel like it has gone out of your hands, see a counsellor. After all, they know how to deal with it through the aspects of psychology. 

You have to take action for yourself! Keep a check on your mental health. Peace out!